Biogas: Piero Gattoni (CIB) appointed Vice President of EBA
The President of the CIB – Consorzio Italiano Biogas, Piero Gattoni, has been appointed Vice President of the board of EBA, the European Biogas Association. The appointment comes after last month’s Assembly of the association elected Anders Mathiasson as new President and Michael Niederbacher as Vice President representing the industrial members.
“I thank the Board for this important recognition, which recognises the work done in recent years by the CIB in spreading good practices and the development of our Biogasdoneright model in Europe,” says Piero Gattoni. “At this time of defining the strategic policies for the next decade, European action is crucial to promote the development of renewable energy and the agro-ecological transition to overcome the current food and energy crisis without deviating from the Green Deal path to tackle the current climate crisis.”
The latest EBA report shows that biogas and biomethane production is growing rapidly across Europe. Today, 15 billion cubic metres of biogas and 3 billion cubic metres of biomethane are produced.
“The REPowerEu plan presented by the European Commission sees biogas and biomethane production as one of the key players, recognising anaerobic digestion as a technology that can give an important push to reduce energy dependence on Russia and accelerate the green transition. The next three years will be decisive in laying the regulatory and political foundations for our sector to reach the production target of 35 billion cubic metres of biomethane envisaged in the plan, equal to 15% of current European natural gas consumption.”, Piero Gattoni concludes.
Gattoni is the President of CIB – Consorzio Italiano Biogas; from 2008 to 2016 he was a member of the Executive and Vice President of the Consorzio del Formaggio Parmigiano Reggiano. He is one of the founding members of EBA – European Biogas Association, of which he was Vice President and then Interim President in the last term.